General Data Protection Regulations 2018

Important site notices from the Administrator
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General Data Protection Regulations 2018

Post by Mike »

General Data Protection Regulation Policy

In line with the regulations update in Europe and the UK we have developed the following policy to be clear how your Personal data is collected and used as part of your interactions with this website.
  1. We collect your personal data only when you register for the website.
  2. This data is used for website and forum functionality only.
  3. We will not share your personal data (name, email, address or IP address) with any third parties.
  4. IP addresses for all visitors (including guests) are logged, however, this is only stored for software functionality and is not shared with any third parties.
  5. Administrators have access to this data for forum functionality but will not use it for any other purpose.
  6. You are responsible for the content that you post of this forum.
  7. We will take reasonable skill and care to keep website software up-to-date to secure the site and your personal data.
  8. In the event of a security breach where you personal data may be exposed we will report to you within 72 hours of discovery.
  9. You have the right to remove all your data from the site upon request.
  10. You retain copyright of your material you post on RileyUK and this can be removed upon request.
  11. The website owner bears responsibility as the 'Data Protection Officer' under the 2018 regulations.
  12. PM 'Mike' for further information.
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