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Posted: Thu Mar 09, 2006 7:50 pm
by Andy
mr_e wrote:On second thoughts, maybe I want to get off my head on drugs and write surreal TV comedy. The Mighty Boosh is cool. If I had a DVD player, I might own it by now.
As the ageing rocker in Love Actually says

''Hey kids, don't buy drugs, become a rock star, they give you them for free!''

As far as TV comedy goes, I'd like to be able to write something as good as Red Dwarf but not something as bad as Teachers.

Posted: Thu Mar 09, 2006 9:17 pm
by ProgRob
Kirstypie wrote:THE BOOSH ROCKS! Sorry. We've got series 1 & 2 now on DVD, but I haven't watched all of 2 yet, as I'm saving it up a bit! I do love The Nightmare of Milky Joe, which was the one we made Mike watch.

I even set up a category for the Boosh on m'forum, but it was just me and Rob quoting bits at each other and being silly, which is I think the only thing that could ever happen if you start to discuss the Boosh as fans.

Actually that's probably our whole forum.
I think my favourites are from the first series, particularly the Jungle one with Tommy the cheese guy and the one where they go to monkey hell, just for Mr Susan ('look at them shine!')

Comin' at ya like a flannel! :D

Posted: Tue Mar 14, 2006 8:01 pm
by Claire
Well, let me think. In an ideal world i would like to be a dialect coach. i'm lead to believe i'm good at doing different accents (some better than others though) and being a teacher i'd like to put the two together and make a fortune in Hollywood. don't know how on earth you'd go about it, however.

On a more serious note, can i nominate my actual job?! :o I know my job drives me mad some of the time (no, really? :o ) it does bring me joy a lot of the time too. as part of my side line in teaching Geography i was doing microclimates (variations in climate is small areas) with year 7. my classroom is generally quite balmy but on especially cold days my stock cupboard is freakishly cold - almost 'you can see the condensation/breath' cold. anyway, i had the whole class incredibly excited by the opportunity to experience the microclimate in there and told them the first 3 to pack up and be totally ready for the bell would get to go in there to feel it. and mad as cheese they are, you have never seen a group of 11 year old shift their asses more quickly. it was ridiculous in a way but i had inspired them! :D they came out and said how cold it was and the others accused them of lying cos they were so jealous!

Posted: Wed Mar 15, 2006 9:35 am
by Kirstypie
Sorry - Booshing off again - last time I promise - I like Tundra, where you have the "Ice floe, nowhere to go" song, the sick on the plates, and the wind whispering "I haaaaate you".

Posted: Wed Mar 15, 2006 4:52 pm
by Mark Scollon
I agree with Claire. I absolutely love my current job. I get to demand money off people and remove them from their homes and, not only do I get paid for it, but they give me a car as well. It's brilliant.

I used to want to be the head of quaility control at Cains or Joseph Holts brewery as well but I've decided that I'll stick to Holts as it's much closer. As I'll be sampling lots of alcohol, proximity to home is a major deciding factor in who I work for.

Posted: Wed Mar 15, 2006 5:08 pm
by Fez
no smiley faces, no irony, i hate my job, it sucks

Posted: Tue Mar 21, 2006 6:06 pm
by Andy
I have decided to retrain as a P.E. teacher if I could.

The reason for this is simple, today, at 2.35 I got asked by our P.E. teacher to manage the Y8 in a cup tie against Cansfield. 10mins before I was due to go home. If I said no, they wouldn't have had a match and would have blamed me (even though it wasn't my fault).

I borrowed some kit - tracky pants and a long coat and got the ''Chavourinho'' (Chav / Mourinho) by the kids. I gave the team, took them through a warm up, went through a bit of tactics, gave them a pep talk and was then told the opposition was the second best in Wigan. Bugger, I thought, we're gonna get caned. Not so, a flucky header with dodgy keeping heralded a goal for us. Poor defending with a ball over the top meant that at half-time it was one-one.

A couple of subs later, the final score was 5-1 to us. Don't ask me how. We only had six attacks in the second half and scored four! At the end, the kids walked off with smiles on their faces and asked me to be their manager, I had to literally push them into their cars to get them away from me such was their want to talk to me all the time.

I've just spoken to my dad, who did this job for 30+ years and he says that it has a lot of lows but significantly more highs than classroom teaching and I agree with him. Since I've helped out down there, I've had less hassle.

Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2006 7:47 am
by Mike
Yes but then the PE teachers have, that is have to be out in the rain and snow and wind all winter. You will look like you have aged 20 years in about 2 of doing that. Though I suppose the rugged features helped people like Clint Eastwood.

Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2006 12:22 pm
by Andy
Mike wrote:Yes but then the PE teachers have, that is have to be out in the rain and snow and wind all winter. You will look like you have aged 20 years in about 2 of doing that. Though I suppose the rugged features helped people like Clint Eastwood.
Trying to settle kids when there is wind and rain is difficult, in snow, it is virtually impossible. Believe me, there are times when I would desperately like to be out there in those conditions - not all of the times - but some of the times.

Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2006 10:54 pm
by mr_e
Working in an open plan, air-conditioned office, I would quite happily, given a decent set of waterproofs, work outdoors for a few years. The outside's good for you, don't ya know?

Posted: Thu Mar 23, 2006 7:44 am
by Mike
mr_e wrote:Working in an open plan, air-conditioned office, I would quite happily, given a decent set of waterproofs, work outdoors for a few years. The outside's good for you, don't ya know?
The outside is great. But it is better to enjoy your free time outside and being forced by work to sit in whatever weather conditions fly your way.

Posted: Thu Mar 23, 2006 6:56 pm
by mr_e
I would quite happily do some kind of park rangery stuff. Note that waterproofs were a pre-requisite! I remember reading about some job (in Cumbria, maybe, although there must be similar ones) that involved a daily hike up a fell (in any weather) to collect meteorological data. All to aid the safety of other outdoorsy types. That would be kinda cool.

Posted: Thu Mar 23, 2006 7:16 pm
by Andy
I agree, working outside in nature would beat the stuffy environment of an office.

I would love to do that job mr_e.

Posted: Sat Mar 25, 2006 4:30 pm
by Claire
To go back to Andy's earlier post on this topic...if you think Teachers is bad (the first series was great i thought, but by the end it was too much about cramming expletives in and being proud about drinking every night after work - not realistic or realitically possible, in my opinion)...has anyone seen Waterloo Road - BB1 thursday? Utter rubbish - detritus TV. :wink:

Posted: Sun Apr 09, 2006 10:44 pm
by Andy
Hola from Espana!!!!!!!!

Just to say, I have decided to keep my job because school holidays are ace!!!!!!!!!!!!! The kids are fantastic - really well behaved. Just stayed up playing ?chase the ace? and ?gin rummy? in candle light on a balcony with six kids. Bloody wonderful. I will remember that one for a long time - especially the kids appreciation that you are willing to do that with them. I went to a theme park today and went on a couple of rides with them - loved it. Got a few pics already.

Tomorrow I am going to Barcelona - a place that I have wanted to go since I can remember reading about it in the Daily Express at the age of seven in 1988 and watched Ronald Koeman score an amazing freekick in the 120th minute of extra time to win them their only European cup.

Anyway, ta ta for now. I?ve got to go back to corridor duty - I?ve left Rob on his own. I won?t get to bed until 2.30am and I?ve got to be up at 6.45. :wink:

P.S. It is gorgeous weather over here. Hope it is raining chaps and chapettes!!!! 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8)