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Crystal Island by Foster + Partners

Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2008 8:01 am
by Mike
World Architecture News is reporting on a new mega structure designed by foster + partners in Moscow. It is a city within a city and a massive enclosed structure encasing 2.5million square metres of floor area and rising to a staggering 450m! (by comparison the Empire State Building is 381m high). The building contains offices, museums, theatres and lots of shops too.

With structures like this you can almost imagine in a hundred years or so, the wealthy will seal themselves up in structures such as these and the poor will be in the post industrial, smog filled waste land outside. It is almost a tale worthy of Issac Assimov or the Great SF writers!

The renders and artistic impressions are pretty interesting though. Faintly soul-less but they do have an amazingly photo realistic link with the surrounding areas which has been be very difficult to achieve. 4s (for the renders!)

Re: Crystal Island by Foster + Partners

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2008 12:24 am
by mr_e
It's... erm...big. Crystally. Yeah. Looks pretty bland, but I suspect Russia (Putin?) is making a big statement about it's world-superpower status with this as well.