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Railroad Tycoon 3

Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2010 8:01 am
by Mike
This is quite an old game about managing a Railway company and achieving certain milestones and targets. I have played about 3 of the maps at the moment and it is hard to achieve consistent profitability (especially as the railway expands, the expenses seem to go through the roof). That said it is very fun and challenging to meet the campaign results within the time scale.

This game is a simulator and mimics a miniature economy where you can purchase raw goods providers, manufacturers and build railways to achieve your aims. If an area is not connected to a railway you can generally pick up businesses cheaply (because they are not that profitable), build a railway and maximise your profits. Once connected the price differences even quickly so you tend to make the most profit on the first 2-3 runs, after that the price rise and fall to a closer medium.

First impressions are thus. Graphics are ok (it is an old game to be honest). 3s.
Gameplay if fun and rather frantic as you try to become the most profitable railway on the map - several other companies start at the same time and try to steal the profitable runs. 5s.
Longevity? Who knows?

This can also be played multi-player but I don't know anyone else with the game! You can download via Steam for £5.99 if you are interested - the Mac version is much more expensive - £30-40! Windozzzzze is not very fast (in my house) but the saving offsets the pain and the game runs well on a 5 year old laptop.

Re: Railroad Tycoon 3

Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2010 1:24 pm
by BarcelonAl
Question is, do your trains turn up on time?

Re: Railroad Tycoon 3

Posted: Tue Mar 09, 2010 8:13 am
by Mike
Its quite funny that it takes the train about 5-6 months to get from a-b some times (but then makes $150k+ in profit). Because I am the owner I will say yes, they always arrive when they mean too.